

ESP32-PCD8544 is dedicated driver implementation of PCD8544 LCD controller (a.k.a Nokia 5110 LCD) for Espressif IoT Development Framework.

Application Examples

( more example projects will be written here )

API Reference

Header File


void pcd8544_init(pcd8544_config_t *config)

Initialize PCD8544 device.

Initialize PCD8544 as SPI slave. You can make some operations via APIs offered from ESP32-PCD8544 until pcd8544_free() is called.

  • config: Configuration of PCD8544 SPI

void pcd8544_set_backlight(bool on)

Set LCD backlight status.

Set LCD backlight enabled / disabled.

To use this function correctly you have to initialize .is_backlight_common_anode member in pcd8544_config_t according to the model of your Nokia 5100 LCD Module (red one or blue one, or you will get opposite result.
  • on: boolean parameter to activate or deactivate LED for LCD.

void pcd8544_set_powerdown_mode(bool powerdown)

Control power-down mode / chip-active mode status of PCD8544.

PCD8544 provides power-down mode that consume only very low current on inactive status. This function control its status. In power-down mode, only 1.5uA current is consumed based on datasheet.

On entering power-down mode, backlight goes off for to reduce current. Similary, when back to chip-active mode backlight goes on.
To enter power-down mode correctly, content of frame buffer and LCD DRAM is cleared before entering power-down mode. Thus you have to recover LCD contents by yourself after back to chip-active mode.
  • powerdown: boolean parameter to activate or deactivate power-down mode.

void pcd8544_set_display_mode(pcd8544_display_mode mode)

Control display mode of the LCD.

PCD8544 provides four display modes. normal, all segments on, inverted and blank. This function controls PCD8544 between modes which defined on pcd8544_display_mode.

normal mode, DDRAM (Display Data RAM) as-is applied to LCD content.

inverted mode makes oppsite on / off state of LCD segments.

In all segments on mode, you can confirm electrical connection by setting and very high contrast seting.

blank mode make make all segments off.

After pcd8544_init() called, display mode goes normal.
blank mode does not erase LCD contents. It is hold in DDRAM (Display Data RAM) and still and can be recovered by switching to other modes.
  • mode: pcd8544_display_mode value for entering other display mode.

void pcd8544_set_contrast(uint8_t vop)

Control contrast of the LCD.

PCD8544 have contrast control functionality. You can access this by setting contrast value. Optimal parameter may different from each individuals. pcd8544_init() resets contrast to empilically good default but you can tune via this function.

pcd8544_init() calls this function internally with empilically good default (vop=20) so you don’t need to tune contrast manually. You can still tune contrast against different indivisual characteristics.
  • vop: Operation voltage parameter for LCD (0~127). In default configuration options, range between 20 to 24 will be good choice.

void pcd8544_clear_display()

Clear all LCD content.

This function content in frame buffer of LCD.

To confirm result on the LCD, you have to call pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf() after frame buffer writing operation is finished.

void pcd8544_draw_line(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1)

Draw line to the LCD.

This function draw an line on the frame buffer. You can specify start and end points in geometory.

To confirm result on the LCD, you have to call pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf() after frame buffer writing operation is finished.
  • x0: x of the start point.
  • y0: y of the start point.
  • x1: x of the end point.
  • y1: y of the end point.

void pcd8544_draw_rectangle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1)

Draw rectrangle to the LCD.

This function draw rectangle on the frame buffer. You can specify upper-left and bottom-right points in geometory.

To write line data to the DDRAM and update segments on the LCD, you have to call pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf() after all frame buffer writing operation is finished.
  • x0: x of the upper-left corner.
  • y0: y of the upper-left corner.
  • x1: x of the bottom-right corner.
  • y1: y of the bottom-right corner.

void pcd8544_set_pos(uint8_t row, uint8_t col)

Set (row, col) position operation start position.

This function set start position of the next operation.

Unlike draw_line() and draw rectangle() accepts (x,y) geometory as arguments, pcd8544_set_pos() accepts row(0-83) and column(0-6) dimentions. Thus, you can spcify only per 8 segments for vertical direction.
  • row: start row of the next operation (0-83)
  • col: start column of the next operation (0-6)

void pcd8544_draw_bitmap(const uint8_t *bitmap, uint8_t rows, uint8_t cols, bool transparent)

Draw arbitrary bitmap to the frame buffer.

*bitmap buffer should be sized (rows * cols) bytes. and decomposed per rows bytes for drawing each columns.
the Top-left corner position of the bitmap is determined by last pcd8544_set_pos() arguments..
To write line data to the DDRAM and update segments on the LCD, you have to call pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf() after all frame buffer writing operation is finished.
  • *bitmap: pointer to a uint8_t buffer contains the bitmap data.
  • rows: number of rows of the bitmap data.
  • cols: number of cols of the bitmap data.
  • transparent: boolean value for whether operate ‘0’ bits as transparent or not.

void pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf()

Finish frame buffer operations of current frame and write to DDRAM of the LCD.

To avoid redundant data transfer via SPI bus, functions pcd8544_clear_display() pcd8544_draw_line(), pcd8544_draw_rectangle() and pcd8544_draw_bitmaap() theirselves does not transfer to the DDRAM. Alternatively, pcd8544_finalize_frame_buf() does this operation to apply frame buffer state to the LCD at once.

For each frame, you have to call this function after above functions are called.

void pcd8544_puts(const char *text)

Print text to the LCD.

Like standard puts() function, you can write arbitrary text to the LCD via this function. Position of the Text is determined from last pcd8544_set_pos() call.

As this library includes 8x5 dots font, you can write up to 14 characters per row.

If writing position of the text reached right-end of the LCD, writing position is automatically moves to the next column. When it was the bottom column (column 6), the next column is column 1.
  • text: const char* text to print.

void pcd8544_printf(const char *format, ...)

Print formatted text to the LCD.

Like standard printf() function, you can write arbitrary text with format. Position of the Text is determined from last pcd8544_set_pos() call.

Format string is full compatible with standard printf() as this function uses spritntf() internally.

If writing position of the text reached right-end of the LCD, writing position is automatically. moves to the next column. When it was the bottom column (column 6), the next column is column 1.
  • *format: format string to print.
  • ...: arbitrary arguments for format string.

void pcd8544_sync_and_gc()

Sync background SPI transfer and free memory of buffers used for transfer.

ESP32-PCD8544 driver offers asyncronous SPI tranfer to allow users to other operations during SPI transaction. To achieve this, some internal data should be dynamically allocated and have to wait until SPI transaction finished. This function waits all SPI transfer queue finisshed, and free dynamically allocated buffers for them.

Developer must call this function in the last of the frame operations, or it cause memory leak.

void pcd8544_free()

Free SPI related resource completely.

ESP32-PCD8544 utilize single SPI host and optionally DMA channel of ESP32 to drive PCD8544. Developer may want to re-use SPI host after some content has been written to the LCD. In that case, SPI device and bus occupied by pcd8544_init() can be freed with this function.

Once pcd8544_free() is called, you have to call pcd8544_init() again to later use.


struct pcd8544_config_t

Confirugration for PCD8544.

Configurations for PCD8544 and Nokida 5110 LCD board.

Public Members

bool is_backlight_common_anode

configure installed PCD8544 board PCBs LED are common-anode or common-cathode

There are two type of PCB is selling store for Nokia5100 LCD module. They can be determained from its color; red one and green one.

Red one comes with common-anode LED so it this member should be true.

Blue one comes with common-cathode LED so it this member should be false.

spi_host_device_t spi_host

SPI host to be used for PCD8544.

You can choose from ESP32’ logical 3 SPI channels SPI_HOST, HSPI_HOST and VSPI_HOST.

Differnt SPI host have different native pin assignemnt for fast and low latency IO_MUX. So ESP23-PCD8544 offers different pin assignment according to .spi_host member. You can confirm which pins are assigned via UART serial output log in INFO lebel.
If you want to use DMA channel for low latency and less flicker, choose HSPI_HOST or VSPI_HOST that is currently available for DMA transfer.

uint8_t dma_chan

DMA channel to use (1 or 2) or no use DMA channel (0).

ESP32 offers two DMA channel; 1 and 2. You can optionally use a DMA channel for less CPU load, low latency and high throughput SPI transfer. If you already using DMA channels for other use (like I2S-connected speaker, mic or image sensor), you can specify .dma_chan = 0 to tell ESP32-PCD8544 not to use any DMA channel.

pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t *spi_pin

Manual SPI pin assignment configuration.

Althrough native SPI pin assignment for SPI host is recommended as it enables low latency SPI transfer by IOMMU, you can still specify any IO pin numbers for each SPI pins one by one, via setting pointer to *spi_pin member.

All specified GPIO pins must be able to configured output pins. (see “2.2 Pin Description” in the ESP32 Datasheet)
Keeping this member NULL allows ESP32-PCD8544 to auto-configure native SPI pins corresponding to selected SPI host. You can confirm which pins are assigned to control pins from UART serial output log (In INFO log level).

pcd8544_control_pin_config_t *control_pin

Manual control pin assignment configuration.

To drive PCD8544, it requires some additoinal control pins from tradisonal SPI pins; DC(Data/Command) pin, RST(Reset) pin and BL(Backlight) pin. You can specify them manually alternative to automatic configuration by ESP32-PCD8544.

All specified IO pins should be able to configured output pins.
Keeping this member NULL allows auto configuration of recommended control pin assignment by ESP32-PCD8544. You can confirm which pins are assigned to control pins from UART serial output log (In INFO log lavel).



Internal frame buffer size.


SPI Tranfer queue size for ESP32-PCD8544.


Bias System parameter for PCD8544.

It affects results of the contrast setting via pcd8544_set_contrast(uint8_t vop);

You may configure this parameter via make menuconfig if you have contrast range problem.


Temperature coefficient parameter for PCD8544.

It affects results of the contrast setting via pcd8544_set_contrast(uint8_t vop);, in low tempearature environment.

You may configure this parmeter via make menuconfig if you have contrast range problem.


Maximum buffer size (in bits) for non-DMA SPI transfer.

If you initialized pcd8544_init(config) with config.dma_chan = 0, SPI data transfer via DMA is disabled. In that case, Maximum transfer data size is limited to this size in bits. ESP32-PCD8544 decompose large size of data transfer requrest into multiple 256 bits of request to fit this limitation.

Full frame buffer transfer cause 84x6=504 bytes = 4032 bits of request. In non-DMA environment, the request is decomposed into each 256 bits i.e. 16 data transfer request occurs. YOu may want to increase PCD8544_TRANS_QUEUE_SIZE from kconfig.


Interval for surpressing repeatedly displaying warnings in milliseconds.

To surpress queue size related warning, certain interval in milliseconds is used.

Type Definitions

typedef struct pcd8544_config_t pcd8544_config_t

Confirugration for PCD8544.

Configurations for PCD8544 and Nokida 5110 LCD board.


enum pcd8544_addressing_mode



Make DDRAM address pointer to move from (row,col) like (0,0), (1,0), (2,0) …

(83,0), (0,1), (1,1) order for each data transfer.


Make DDRAM address pointer to move from (row,col) like (0,0), (0,1), (0,2) …

(0,5), (1,0), (1,1) order for each data transfer.

enum pcd8544_display_mode



Make LCD content to blank.


Make all LCD segments on (for pin connection check)


Make LCD segments correspond to DDRAM data.


Make LCD segments opposite to DDRAM data.


const pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t *pcd8544_native_spi_pin_config(spi_host_device_t host)

Native pin configuration for SPI host.

In ESP32 Datasheet, native pin configuration that enables IOMUX faster and low latency data transfer method comparing to GPIO matrix is recommended. This function returns Native SPI pin assignnments for SPI host, that are defined in driver/spi_common.h of ESP-IDF.

pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t Native pin configuraion for SPI host
  • host: SPI host to request native pin configuration

const pcd8544_control_pin_config_t *pcd8544_default_control_pin_config(spi_host_device_t host)

(internal use) Get recommended control pin assignments for PCD8544 controller.

Like other SPI display controllers, PCD8544 requires some additional control pins against traditional SPI RST(Reset), BL(Backlight) and DC(Data/Control). These pins must be able to configures as output pins. Recommended pins (i.e. not reserved for other important functionality) are retunred for SPI host.

pcd8544_control_pin_config_t Recommended control pin configuraion for SPI host
  • host: SPI host to request control pin configuration


struct pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t

custom configuration for PCD8544 control pins

ESP32-PCD8544 offers automatic configuration for native SPI pins according to SPI host, to allow IOMUX fast and low latency SPI transfer. But you can specify them manually too. In that case initialize this structure and assign to the spi_pin member of pcd8544_config_t, passed topcd8544_init(); `

For more detail, see “Chapter.4 IO_MUX and GPIO Matrix” in the ESP32 Technical Reference Manual.

You have to specify IO pins that can be configured as output pin. See ESP32 datasheet for more detail.

Public Members

uint8_t miso_io_num

GPIO pin number for SPI MISO pin.

J This pin is actually not used in PCD8544, but have to be specified for compatibility.

uint8_t mosi_io_num

GPIO pin number for SPI MOSI pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the Din pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module.

uint8_t sclk_io_num

GPIO pin number for SPI CLK pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the Clk pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module.

uint8_t spics_io_num

GPIO pin number for SPI CS pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the CE pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module.

struct pcd8544_control_pin_config_t

custom configuration for PCD8544 control pins

ESP32-PCD8544 offers recommended assignments for control pins. But you can specify them manually too.

You have to specify IO pins that can be configured as output pin. See ESP32 datasheet for more detail.

Public Members

uint8_t reset_io_num

GPIO Pin number for Reset control pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the RST pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module

uint8_t dc_io_num

GPIO Pin number for D/C control pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the DC pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module

uint8_t backlight_io_num

GPIO Pin number for backlight control pin.

GPIO pin number connected to the BL pin on Nokia 5110 LCD Module

Type Definitions

typedef struct pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t pcd8544_spi_pin_config_t

custom configuration for PCD8544 control pins

ESP32-PCD8544 offers automatic configuration for native SPI pins according to SPI host, to allow IOMUX fast and low latency SPI transfer. But you can specify them manually too. In that case initialize this structure and assign to the spi_pin member of pcd8544_config_t, passed topcd8544_init(); `

For more detail, see “Chapter.4 IO_MUX and GPIO Matrix” in the ESP32 Technical Reference Manual.

You have to specify IO pins that can be configured as output pin. See ESP32 datasheet for more detail.

typedef struct pcd8544_control_pin_config_t pcd8544_control_pin_config_t

custom configuration for PCD8544 control pins

ESP32-PCD8544 offers recommended assignments for control pins. But you can specify them manually too.

You have to specify IO pins that can be configured as output pin. See ESP32 datasheet for more detail.